Wednesday, October 29, 2008

over 36-month prison sentences passed on three journalists

Often we as Americans forget just how cozy we have things. We forget the ransoms that were paid to ensure our freedom. Although the freedom of speech may insinuate that it is free we must remember that a price must always be paid. October 29, 2008, Syria- Three journalists were sentenced to server 36-months in prison and charged with “publishing false information with the aim of harming the state, and being members of a secret organization designed to destabilize the state and inciting ethnic and racial tension”.
I find it interesting how easy it is for the “free world” to sit back and watch as world citizens have their voices snatched away. This is a prime example of how the luxuries we have in the U.S is paled by our blatant nonchalant attitude towards those who are fighting the same fight we fought more then 232 years ago. When it comes to freedom there is no middle ground you either are for it or not, if you do nothing then you are not for freedom. I challenge everyone who reads this to take a second to really count your comforts. Thank you for reading and have an insightful day.

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