Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Afghan aid workers undeterred

I really enjoyed reading Three Cups of Tea and I keep running into these articles that correlate so well with the book. As you know the book ended with Greg planning to build a school in Afghan, we also read in the earlier chapters how the more militant muslims payed close attention to Greg to make sure he wasnt forcing Christianity on the children or people in general. This article gives the raw truth of what happens when Afghans suspect that you are teaching Christianity.

Eleanor Weber-Ballard, 25, works for the Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees (Dacaar) and has been in Afghanistan for three months.
She said: "I think it's easy to lull yourself into a false sense of security because although you're aware of incidents that happen - there's not a huge sense of danger in the Afghan capital.
But Kabul is a fascinating place to work and the Afghan people are friendly and appreciative - that's the draw.
What happened to Gayle Williams brings home the dangers of working here
Eleanor Weber-Ballard
Aid workers under threat
Everybody knows that security restrictions are in place for a good reason but that doesn't stop you getting frustrated.
What happened to Gayle Williams on Monday brings home the dangers of working here and that has a huge impact on how you view the situation.
You start asking questions - 'Where exactly am I going? Is this journey really necessary?'
Some of the places aid workers often go to - restaurants, for example - are packed with other foreigners and you start thinking that these places might be a target.
The security restrictions frustrate people in different ways. I find it difficult that you have to be driven around in a vehicle - and you can't interact with the local population as much as you'd like to.
I came to Afghanistan wanting to experience the country at first hand, particularly with the elections coming next year.
It's tough here sometimes, but I think the rewards outweigh the risks and I'm determined to stay."
Andy Miller, 34, who works for the Aga Khan Foundation, arrived in Afghanistan 18 months ago.
He said: "Daily life is very different in Kabul from Western countries. Most foreigners live in a compound. Everything here takes a bit longer and requires a bit more patience.
In the last six months, the deteriorating security in the provinces close to Kabul has become noticeable.
I perhaps do things differently now because of that. Before the summer, I would have been about a bit more - or walked around the city. But we have quite tight restrictions on movements anyway.
This latest killing has shown how dangerous it can be working here
Andy Miller
Sometimes I get frustrated but you have to have stamina for a place like this - you can't be easily upset or disturbed.
In Kabul the security seems to come and go - sometimes I feel perfectly safe but this, of course, is when you're most at risk by letting down your guard. But in recent months, I've wondered what the real undercurrent of the security situation really is here.
There are lots of incidents that happen that never make the press. This latest killing, however, I think has shown how dangerous it can be working here.
I think it's the sort of the incident that if you're wavering about coming to Kabul in the first place it might possibly change your mind.
But personally I always think that these are the sorts of the risks that you take when you believe in a place.
I've been gripped by Afghanistan's culture and the history for a long time and want to use my skills to help this country."

1 comment:

Adam Kimble said...

While a dream of mine has always been to travel to other countries and help them in the way that Greg Mortenson did, I know that it comes with consequences. Quite simply put, it is dangerous living in those countries and while the immediate people that you are working with may be harmless, there are many more people (particularly military) in the country that have their eyes on you. So it really takes a strong person to forget about their own safety and do what they know needs to be done to help the people in these dangerous countries like Afghanistan. Like the story said, it's tough there sometimes, but if you know the rewards outweigh the risks, then it is worth it to stay. I admire the people in this article, as well as Mortenson, and I hope to someday be doing the same things to improve situations around the globe.